Minecraft Snapshot 17w45a ออกแล้ว เป็น Snapshot ที่จะไปสู่ 1.13
New Feature
- ม้าเปลี่ยน Model ใหม่
-แก้บัคจำนวนมากกกก เช่น บัคที่ Crash in OSX
- UI รองรับ 4K
- Command แก้แบบใหม่จำนวนมากกกก ( ยังไม่สมบูรณ์ )
และ Minecraft 1.13 จะมีการเปลี่ยน Texture ใหม่ด้วย แต่มันยังไม่มาใน Snapshot นี้ ตัวอย่างมาจากที่นี้
https://twitter.com/jasperboerstra ( Minecraft Texture Developer )
วิธีลง Snapshot
Minecraft Snapshot 17w45a ออกแล้ว เป็น Snapshot ที่จะไปสู่ 1.13
New Feature
- ม้าเปลี่ยน Model ใหม่

-แก้บัคจำนวนมากกกก เช่น บัคที่ Crash in OSX
- UI รองรับ 4K
- Command แก้แบบใหม่จำนวนมากกกก ( ยังไม่สมบูรณ์ )
If a command isn't listed, it's probably because nothing exciting happened to it and it works as it did before. These are only notable changes.
- It doesn't work in multiplayer yet. You can type out commands as usual, you just won't get tabcompletions or any UI for it yet.
- Tabcompletions of any kind are a work in progress, and only absolute basic values will be hinted.
- It really isn't complete, and there are a lot of parts that just aren't implemented yet or might behave a little unexpectedly. Please feel free to report these to the bug tracker so we can keep track of them!
- If we feel that it's too incomplete/broken (it really might be), we will revert it until it's had more development. This is a preview, it is not final.
- Some changes might not make sense until a later snapshot, for example data values still technically exist right now but will be removed very soon.
- The new commands are not translated in any way. They are designed to be easier to translate than the current engine, but it's not there yet.
- The UI for typing out commands is a really really rough mockup. It will probably be super cool at some point.
- Command ยังไม่สมบูรณ์นะ
- For example, this is no longer allowed: /scoreboard ObJeCtIvEs ...
- They will be so much more faster and efficient. Especially functions. Oh man.
- Functions will be completely parsed & cached on load. This means if there's any command that isn't correct for whatever reason, you will know about it on load.
- This means to check if a map works in 1.17.banana, you simple open your world in 1.17.banana. If there's errors, they'll be in your log. If there's no errors, it's probably fine!
- Here's a list of every single executable command so-far: https://gist.github.com/Dinnerbone/943fbcd763c19be188ed6b72a12d7e65
- It's very verbose, because each line is its own command. [optionals]and (conditionals|ors) are separated out.
- ... is where another command is required
- -> foo means an alias to foo
- The new command library is called "Brigadier". That's not relevant in any way, I just really like the name.
If a command isn't listed, it's probably because nothing exciting happened to it and it works as it did before. These are only notable changes.
- Removed /advancement test as it will be part of entity selectors
- The syntax of /clear has changed
- /clear [<target>] [<item>] [<data>] [<count>] [<nbt>] -> /clear [<target>] [<item>] [<count>]
- See the item argument type for more details
- The syntax of /clone has changed
- /clone <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2> <xt yt zt> filtered [force|move|normal] [<block>] [<data>] -> /clone <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2> <xt yt zt> filtered [<block>] [force|move|normal]
- /clone <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2> <xt yt zt> [replace|masked] [force|move|normal] [<block>] [<data>] -> /clone <x1 y1 z1> <x2 y2 z2> <xt yt zt> [replace|masked] [force|move|normal]
- See the block argument type for more details
- Now only accepts string IDs, not shorthand or numeric
- /gamemode 2 -> /gamemode adventure
- /defaultgamemode sp -> /defaultgamemode spectator
- /difficulty <value> now only accepts string IDs, not shorthand or numeric
- /difficulty 2 -> /difficulty normal
- /difficulty p -> /difficulty peaceful
- You can query for the current difficulty by using /difficulty without any arguments
- The syntax of /effect has changed, to avoid ambiguity.
- /effect <entity> <effect> -> /effect give <entity> <effect>
- /effect <entity> clear -> /effect clear <entity> [<effect>]
- Giving an effect will now fail if it didn't actually do anything
- Some mobs are immune (for example an ender dragon)
- Stronger existing effects prevent new weaker ones
- Removed in favour of /modifyitem
- /execute has been completely reworked
- Modifier subcommands can change how the command is ran:
- /execute as <entity> <chained command> executes a command using the entity <entity> (but doesn't change position)
- /execute at <entity> <chained command> executes a command using the position of <entity> (but doesn't change entity)
- /execute offset <x y z> <chained command> executes a command using the position of <x y z>
- /execute align <axes> <chained command> executes a command after aligning the current position to the block grid (axes is any combination of x y and z)
- Conditional subcommands can let you prevent the command from running at all:
- /execute (if|unless) block <x y z> <block> <chained command>executes a command if (or unless) <x y z> matches <block>
- /execute (if|unless) blocks <begin> <end> <destination> (all|masked) <chained command> executes a command if (or unless) the region between <start> and <end> matches <destination>
- /execute (if|unless) entity <entity> <chained command> executes a command if (or unless) <entity> exists (returns 1 or more entities)
- /execute (if|unless) score <target> <targetObjective> (<|<=|=|>=|>) <source> <sourceObjective> <chained command> executes a command if (or unless) <target>'s score matches <source>'s score
- As replacement for /stats, a new subcommand store lets you store the result of a command somewhere:
- /execute store (result|success) <name> <objective> <chained command>
- result is the result of a command, which replaces these old stats: AffectedBlocks, AffectedEntities, AffectedItems, QueryResult
- success is how many times the command was successful. This is usually 0 or 1, but if the command split up (for example as @a) then it may be more than 1. This replaces SuccessCount
- The value is stored into the scoreboard under <name> and <objective>
- The objective must exist, but unlike with /stats you don't need to set an initial value for <name>
- The value will be stored when the full command has finished executing
- If a command isn't successful (success is 0), result will always be set to 0
- We will try to make it clear somewhere what the expected result of each command is
- You can chain all subcommands together
- After every subcommand you need to write another subcommand
- When you're done with chaining subcommands, run lets you write the actual command to be executed
- /execute as somebody at somebody run say hi
- Example of old commands:
- /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ stone 0 say Stone! -> /execute as @e at @s if block ~ ~ ~ stone run say Stone!
- /execute @e ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~ ~ grass summon pig -> /execute at @e if block ~ ~ ~ grass run summon pig
- /execute @e ~ ~ ~ say Hello! -> /execute as @e run say Hello!
- /xp is now an alias for /experience
- Split up into 3 different subcommands
- /experience add <players> <amount> [points|levels]
- Adds <amount> of either points or levels to the target <players>(defaults to points)
- Adding points can cause players to level up, as usual
- Negative numbers are supported, to subtract points instead
- Subtracting points can cause players to level down
- /experience set <players> <amount> [points|levels]
- Sets <amount> of either points or levels on the target <players>(defaults to points)
- You cannot set more points than their current level allows
- When changing levels, the points will stay at the same percentage as the previous level
- /experience query <player> (points|levels)
- Returns either the number of points or levels on the given <player>
- The syntax of /fill has changed
- /fill <x y z> <xt yt zt> <block> <data> replace [<replaceBlock>] [<replaceData>] -> /fill <x y z> <xt yt zt> <block> replace [<filter>]
- /fill <x y z> <xt yt zt> <block> [<data>] [destroy|hollow|keep|outline|replace] [<nbt>] -> /fill <x y z> <xt yt zt> <block> [destroy|hollow|keep|outline|replace]
- See the block argument type for more details
- No longer has optional (if|unless) <entity> arguments.
- This has been moved into /execute
- /function foo if @e[tag=bar] -> /execute if entity @e[tag=bar] run function foo
- /gamerule no longer accepts unknown rules ("custom gamerules")
- It was causing more problems than it was worth, with people mistyping rules and it looks official
- It was very error-prone and difficult to use
- You can use functions or scoreboards as replacements, with no loss of functionality (actually - more!)
- Existing custom gamerules will just not be accessible. Only built-in rules will be available.
- Values to /gamerule are now type checked (giving a string if it wants an int is a very obvious error)
- The syntax of /give has changed
- /give <players> <item> [<count>] [<data>] [<nbt>] -> /give <players> <item> [<count>]
- See the item argument type for more details
- This is a new command that replaces /enchant
- We don't know how it looks yet.
- The syntax of /replaceitem has changed
- /replaceitem block <pos> <slot> <item> [<count>] [<data>] [<nbt>] -> /replaceitem block <pos> <slot> <item> [<count>]
- /replaceitem entity <target> <slot> <item> [<count>] [<data>] [<nbt>] -> /replaceitem entity <target> <slot> <item> [<count>]
- See the item argument type for more details
- /scoreboard had [<dataTag>] removed from its commands, as they're no longer needed
- See the entity selector argument type for more details
- /scoreboard team is now /team
- /scoreboard players tag is now /tag
- /scoreboard players test is removed in favourite of entity selectors
- There is a new /scoreboard players get <target> <objective> to query for specific scores
- The syntax of /setblock has changed
- /setblock <pos> <block> [<data>] [<mode>] [<nbt>] -> /setblock <pos> <block> [<mode>]
- See the block argument type for more details
- Removed. Now part of /execute
- The new /execute one isn't a direct replacement, the behaviour has changed:
- It's now per-command, instead of per-entity or per-block
- There's only result and success, which covers all the old stat types
- * can be used instead of source to stop all sounds with a certain name, across all sources
- Removed. Now part of /execute
- Removed. It was always used to stop the rain, then make you frustrated in a minute when it's raining again.
- Use /weather
- /tp is now an alias of /teleport (much like /w, /msg and /tell)
- Coordinates are now relative to the executor, as with all other commands
- The syntax of /tp remains, but with the behaviour of /teleport
- /trigger <objective> is a new syntax as shortcut for /trigger <objective> add 1
- If you don't specify a time, it now defaults to 5 minutes (previously random)
- The output signal of a command block used to be it's "success count", but now it's "result"
- More error handling has been introduced to help you find potential bugs. Things like limit=0, level=-10, gamemode=purple aren't allowed because it makes no sense.
- There's no longer a "min" and "max" separate values, we instead support ranges
- level=10 is level 10
- level=10..12 is level 10, 11 or 12
- level=5.. is anything level 5 or above
- level=..15 is anything level 15 or below
- x & z are no longer center-corrected (x=0 isn't x=0.5 anymore). They now support doubles, so use x=0.5 if that's what you wanted.
- gamemode (previously m) no longer allows numerical or shorthand IDs, which were deprecated years ago.
- The arcane shorthand names have been renamed
- m -> gamemode
- l or lm -> level
- r or rm -> distance
- rx or rxm -> x_rotation
- ry or rym -> y_rotation
- c -> limit
- limit (was c) No longer allows negative values, instead use sort=furthest
- x, y, z, distance (was r), x_rotation (was rx) and y_rotation (was ry) are now doubles and allow values like 12.34
- Allow spaces! @e[name="Hello World"]
- Supports NBT! @e[nbt={Cool:1b},nbt=!{Uncool:1b}]
- Where sensible, repeat-arguments are allowed
- tag=foo,tag=bar,tag=!baz matches someone with foo, bar and not baz
- type=!cow,type=!chicken matches something that isn't a cow and isn't a chicken
- type=cow,type=chicken isn't allowed, because something cannot both be a cow and chicken
- You can specify the sorting
- sort=nearest is the old default, sorting by distance (default for @p)
- sort=furthest is the reverse of that (previously you'd use c=-5 for this)
- sort=random for random sorting (default for @r)
- sort=arbitrary is a new option to not sort the result (default for @e, @a)
- Specifying scores now looks like scores={foo=1,bar=1..5}
- You can test for advancements with advancements={foo=true,bar=false,custom:something={criterion=true}}
- true for "they completed the advancement", false for "they have not completed the advancement"
- Alternatively, pass a block of specific criteria to test for (again, true/false)
- Wherever a block, data and optionally nbt was required, it's now a single "block" argument that looks like this:
- stone
- minecraft:redstone_wire[power=15,north=up,south=side]
- minecraft:jukebox{RecordItem:{...}}
- minecraft:furnace[facing=north]{BurnTime:200}
- ID is required (though just as before, if namespace isn't set it defaults to minecraft
- States are inside [], comma-separated and must be properties/values supported by the blocks. They are optional.
- minecraft:stone[doesntexist=purpleberry] is a syntax error, because stone doesn't have doesntexist
- minecraft:redstone_wire[power=tuesday] is a syntax error, because redstone_wire's power is a number between 0 and 15
- NBT tag is inside {}, and works just like you'd expect. It's optional.
- In the context of "conditions"/testing for blocks, only the states you provided will be tested.
- If you test redstone_wire[power=15], it only checks power but ignores other states such as north.
- In the context of setting blocks, any states you provided will be set but anything missed out will default depending on the block.
- If you set redstone_wire[power=15], it will set power to 15 but north will be a default value (in this case, set to none)
- There is no such thing as block data value in 1.13. It's either a different blocks, or a state.
- Wherever an item and optionally nbt was required, it's now a single "item" argument that looks like this:
- stone
- minecraft:stick{display:{Name:"Stick of Untruths"}}
- ID is required (though just as before, if namespace isn't set it defaults to minecraft
- NBT tag is inside {}, and works just like you'd expect. It's optional.
- There is no such thing as item data value or item damage value in 1.13
- Damage, where applicable, is being moved into nbt
- Any other information is either a separate item or a property in nbt
และ Minecraft 1.13 จะมีการเปลี่ยน Texture ใหม่ด้วย แต่มันยังไม่มาใน Snapshot นี้ ตัวอย่างมาจากที่นี้
https://twitter.com/jasperboerstra ( Minecraft Texture Developer )
วิธีลง Snapshot